Apollo Brick (Gauteng)

Member type: 
Full Member
Dawid Nagel
Contact Tel: 
011 848 2000
071 885 1205
011 848-2001
P O Box 6061, Birchleigh, 1621
R50 Close to Rietvlei Dam Bapsfontein, Gauteng

About us

Products : 
NFP - Non Face Plastered, NFX - Non Face Extra

Profile & Projects

Apollo Brick was formed in 1995 and purchased Eagle Brick & Tile (Pty) Ltd (Gauteng) to ensure involvement in the building and construction industry. The Atlantis factory was purchased in the Western Cape to expand sales and increase our presence.

Apollo Brick is a principle based clay brick manufacturer operating in a mining environment and selling our products (NFP & NFX bricks) to the construction industry.

Apollo Brick manufactures approximately 200 million bricks per annum using the traditional process of mining, clay beneficiation, extrusion, open air drying and clamp burning, making the process susceptible to weather conditions and variations in the quality of the clay material being mined.

Brick Making Midfix Project

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